The magic circle tropes
The magic circle tropes

the magic circle tropes

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: John Blackwell and Eben are the real Big Bad(s) in the season finale.
  • There's also the threat of demons, along with anything else that may come up.

    the magic circle tropes

  • Big Bad Ensemble: So far, there's at least both Charles and Dawn - who often seem on the verge of stabbing each other in the back - and the witch hunters (especially Eben), neither of whom really seem to know about each other.
  • Batman Gambit: Apparently the binding of the new circle's powers is exactly what Dawn Chamberlain and Charles Meade wanted in the first place.
  • As well, Adam's father claims that he and Cassie's mother were destined to be together, and things went wrong because that didn't happen.
  • Because Destiny Says So: A major theme of the series, with just about everything happening because of it.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Cassie at first, though Diana fits this more now.
  • Back from the Dead/ Came Back Wrong/ Face Heel Turn: Nick, though Melissa finishes him off to save Jake.
  • Significantly speaking, it starts with Nick and continues on through Jane, much to the Circle's grief.
  • Anyone Can Die: As you'd expect from the team behind The Vampire Diaries.
  • Amusement Park of Doom: Described by Faye as the "creepiest place on earth, with Evil Clown statues and murals, dark and dirty rooms, and not improved by the addition of real corpses.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Cassie is a brunette in the books, while Diana is a blonde.
  • Actor Allusion: Grey Damon plays a character who gets killed by a girl with supernatural powers.
  • But then the "real game" stumbles and doesn't really take it anywhere.Tropes used in The Secret Circle include:


    The Old Pro remarks that the in-game game is "all punchline, no setup", meaning how it is disorganised and composed of parts that don't fit, and that aesthetic is well established. This did happen with "the player never looks up" - there is hidden material all around various high-up locations.

    the magic circle tropes

    It just begs to invoke the power of messing with hitboxes. For example, there is a dev note about misplaced hitboxes, but it is only ever used to explain a single puzzle in a single area to the player. Yes, they provide background for why the game is in the state it is, but they don't really tie in to the "real" game in non-obvious ways. There's even more potential for other gameplay capabilities. There could have been more interesting puzzles if the developers had a little bit more control over the resources the player has at a given place, but that would have clashed with the story's idea of messing around. There is no point in complex creature interactions (which is even lampshaded in one audio log). The ally mechanic, in fact, only serves to make pets. The mix-and-match mechanic leads to puzzles with many solutions, but that means the main part of the game can be blasted through with an army of allies. But the actual game suffers from the same problem. Spoiler part: A lot of the conflict within The Magic Circle stems from Gameplay and Story Segregation, represented by the different gods. If you can handle an incomplete experience, if you are truly the person the Old Pro wants you to be, you will still find a way to enjoy it. It is quite a small game dealing with a broad, complex topic, and to come to some kind of conclusion, it has to resort to a more metaphorical endgame. If you like it, don't necessarily expect a resolution in the game proper.


    It is reasonably faithful to the aesthetics of the full game, both in graphics and in gameplay, and it is good at the "rewarding you for calling BS on everything" part.


    Non-spoiler part: There is a free demo on Steam.

    The magic circle tropes